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Ticino Switzerland [c] Martin M Bartelt



Artists For The World

invites you and every individual to take personal responsibility to save one of the

most rare and unique works of art in existence today:

Our Forests!


Artists For The World defines the artist in a broader sense of the word. Artists For The World is inspired by the 'Social Sculpture', which is a specific example of the extended concept of art advocated by the German artist Joseph Beuys. He used this term to illustrate the idea of art's potential to transform society. It is expressly opposed to art that is rooted in formal- and aesthetic considerations but includes human activity, in particular activity that strives to structure and shape society. This definition of art is no longer confined to a material product or artifact. The central idea of a social sculpture is a person, who creates structures in society using language, thought and action to transform the society. Artists For The World is such a structure.

Artists For The World is an association from which active change, restoration and transformation takes place. We provide a network of communication and support which actively seeks to engage in re-claiming our planet piece by piece. We ask you to make a difference to save the planet now and for generations to come.

Progressive destruction of the environment and depletion of our planet’s resources not only destroys the habitats of flora and fauna, but also those of the human race itself. For many years climate change, rising sea levels, and destruction of the rainforests have been widely reported.

Now experts across the globe are agreed that if nothing is done to stop this systemic destruction at this time – it may very soon be too late.

Leading environmentalists tell us that this gloomy picture is fuelled by the worldwide growth of consumerism, industrial greed, political egoism, misunderstanding, and ignorance. It seems we have become almost desensitised to the gross destruction and mass degradation our planet suffers every single day. And, as each day passes, the problems facing our planet continue to escalate in enormity, extremity, and complexity.

Common responses to this catastrophy are ‘Well, it’s nothing to do with me’, ‘What can I do about it on my own?’,‘This is really not my problem ’and ‘Better not to think about it now’. But, of course, apathy, ignorance, and helplessness are not the answer.

As a global network Artists For The World puts creative thinking at the forefront of environmental change. Together, with your help, we can protect and preserve our planet.

The main objective of Artists For The World is the protection of forests and the reforestation, as individual tree planting projects.

There are many global operations to preserve our environment, Artists For The World support small scale initiatives that employ local expert volunteers. These volunteers are working hard to preserve the forests, but their work is severely restricted by lack of financial recourses.

Through fundraising, members fees, donations, creative interventions, Artists For The World help raise money which we then pass on to these local initiatives. Anyone can contribute any way they wish to do so.

Did you know just 3Euro buys one square metre of forest.....




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