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Artists For The World is always curious about
interesting projects worth to  be supported
and of course a whole bunch of great ideas and enthusiastic members...



We support an alternative private tree growth project in Bali - initiated by Nikolas Weiss/Trees of the Planet -
which could be leading towards a new trend in tree seedling cultivation.



With rice paddies and many coconut farms as well as the use of too many pesticides we find a big monoculture all over the Indonesian island - plus a huge amount of pollution. Since everyone is trying to make a small or bigger business, the island shows a lack of variety of native tropical hard wood trees that we target. Also the fauna will be boosted by adding a variety of jungle fruit trees for birds, bees and others


Growing an extremely healthy and resilient 1st generation of tropical trees from seeds by using a new technique: The seeds do not grow in soil, but on the outside of thin clay vessels (that we produce ourselves together with Balinese villagers). These vessels are embossed in a regular pattern that allows liquid to diffuse from inside the box through the pattern. As growth liquid we will use CO2-Plasma activated water. This method keeps the seedlings away from harmful elements in the soil and provides the plants with optimum sunlight and liquid supply, supporting photosynthesis massively. Once the seedlings come to a size that they have to leave the clay vessel, we put them in Black Soil and keep them on a spot of land we rent (12 Are), see photos.
Growths as well as resilience of those plants will be highly increased, no pesticides will be needed, due to the plasma.

Why in Bali?

The tropical situation in Bali is best suited to test the project, also the cost level is lower than at other places. The project also has an educational side to help the villagers learning about balance in nature. Since the project is charitable and the trees will be handed out to the villages on certain conditions for free, the Balinese ethical appreciation for who raised a tree will grant that those trees will be cared for and not cut down.


Why Plasma?

Plasma activated water is extremely powerful for plants - as some scientific tests have already shown. One could say that it is the fertilizer that nature itself would buy. 99.9 % of the universe is plasma, the sun is, the polar light is, lightning is, fire is. Plasma is the 4th physical state after solid, liquid and vapor. It is created by adding lots of energy to a gas. Captured in water it activates it on a molecular level and is then easy to apply. It has shown it’s massive support of the photosynthesis in plants in different tests in Bali and abroad. The young trees are more resilient and survive the first years after being planted with a much higher survival rate.


What kind of Trees?

Tamarind, Wild Mangosteen, Buni, Java Plum, Kaliassam, Tahitian Chestnut, Breadfruit, Jackfruit, Ambarella, Longkong, Agarwood, Claster Figue, Sacred Tree, Flamboyant …


The land for the work is currently rented, it has to be increased by approx. 12 Are, which costs 2000 Euro/year. Grow well plasma 21 litre/week for one year approx. 22.000 Euro/year (42 l/week = 45.000 Euro/year). Creation of the clay vessels approx. 1000 Euro. Staff approx. 2000 Euro/year.
So approx. 50.000 Euro/year provide for a possible amount of 10'000 trees that are healty, resilient and free from pests.

Deal with the villagers

Once trees are strong they will be picked up by the Banjars (local communities). Condition is that they care for the trees and plant them in spots suited for reforestation. Also that they continue to replant from those trees in a systemic way. Since we have raised this strong generation of trees for them they will honour this and make it a tradition, meanwhile also we will continue to create trees from the first generation of plasma trees.



The project includes a huge amount of work and commitment that is not quoted nor paid. It will not include any business or brand, it is not going to buy land, machines, cars. The biggest investment will be a large amount of Grow Well plasma. The aim of the project is productive reforestation, a raise in healthy tropical trees and education of the village people to continue planting and protecting trees.




We decided to continue our support of the orphanage in Kurdistan...

- and the childreen send us a message:


All trees and bushes you see in the photos are planted thanks to Artistst For The World!


Mukinem in Ubud/Bali supported with our help individual micro planting projects in Bali.

young trees



Trees are planted in memory of suicide victims


A still young project initiated by an engaged German journalist who lost his partner to suicide


Trees of Memory - Webpage in German






An orphanage in Kurdistan becomes greener...


Some background info about our tree planting partner in Irak: Our Bridge

August 2014: ISIS started a large-scale offensive at about two o'clock in the morning against the Northern Iraqi city of Sinjar (Shingal). Those who fall prey to the fighters of the so-called Islamic State are doomed to die. Civilians are being massacred in an ethnic cleansing, women being abducted, sold and enslaved.

If you can escape the IS, you must get by in the Shingal Mountains at 40°C without food and water. Who does not die of thirst, dies of exhaustion. If you can save yourself in a refugee camp, you will soon be disappointed. The camp was built amidst the barren landscape, far out of civilization. Everyday life is characterized by unemployment and lack of fulfilling activities. After traumatic experiences, people have lost all 'joie de vivre' and their will to live.

The fight for survival of the refugees at Xhanke Camp has been going on since the day of the attack. Their natural enemies are the cold during winter, the heat during summer and poverty. People are systematically marginalized by government and better-off civilians. These unimaginable scenes take place in the 21st century in the Kurdistan Autonomous Region. Our Bridge has been at Xhanke Camp since the first day.

The situation for the children left behind in war zones is devastating. Infants and young children are homeless and lost their parents. Here they are helplessly exposed to physical and commercial exploitation and, consequently, to poverty. Especially orphans, widows, singles, people with disabilities, the elderly and the sick are in the care of Our Bridge.
Our Bridge is taking care of the defenceless and wants to show perspectives. With the construction of one of the largest orphanages, a sustainable project is being created that helps the weakest. 

To plant trees in this sparse landscape is one thing. Artists For The World plants trees, which give shelter from the summer heat, which produce oxygen, which hold water in the soil and and and - but in this project Artists For The World goes further and plants hope into young people who survived a genocide. The children and adolescents learn to have something to do, they learn to care, they learn to retake responsibility, they learn to change their future.

Homepage www.ourbridge.de - in German language







Artists For The World enabled the conservation of 1000 acres of primary landscape in Nepal
- in cooperation the

rainforest trust


project 2017


helped to protect primary forests in Colombia:






4800 young trees for the Lamandau River Wildlife Resere in Borneo, which is one of the habitats
of the last wild Orang-Utangs. In cooperation with our German partner Orang-Utans in Not e.V.


Orang Utang in Not




mukinem tree planting on a small scale by individuals in Bali
+ enabling facilities for the education in waste management, water saving and environmental awareness.






Darman teaches the children in Medan/Sumatra/Indonesia that they can protect the environment


to learn more about the project: click here



Planting and caring for 5 years for half a hectar of reforestation surface
in Malaysia in cooperation with our German partner organisation Rhino and Forest Fund

Rhino and Forest Fund

official confirmation of donation (in German) pdf











Planting and caring for 2 years of 45 trees in the tropical dry forest in Colombia

www.tananeos.org - website in English and Spanish

see some planting photos on our website - click here






autumn 2014

250 Beech Trees in Berlin/Germany



   beech tree

  iplantatree.org    Iplantatree.org




spring 2014

Artists For The World supported different projects in Indonesia with a total of 450,- chf:

Orin education centre, Kalimantan

education about wildlife, reforestation and ecosystems


photos: [c] Martin M Bartelt



Tanjung Puting National Park, Kalimantan

re-introduction of orang utangs and reforestation

Tanjung Puting




young trees
photos: [c] Martin M Bartelt, Jacques Morard



Gili Meno Turtle Sanctuary, Eco-System Protection, Lombok

Boulong set up a turtle nursery to protect the turtles of his island and their future. Many locals in Gili Meno say that Boulong is “gila” - a crazy man - as he spends about 100'000,- Indonesian Rupiah per day to feed the turtles (around 10,- US Dollar – the monthly income of a lot of people is around 100,- US Dollar). He collects the eggs and nurtures the young turtles until they reach the age of 8 month, then he releases them into the sea. The number of turtles has decreased drastically due to human consumption and their impact on the environment. Without help from people like Boulong sea turtles will soon not be seen any longer in the Gili Islands and the eco-system becomes weaker and weaker.

Gili Meno Turtle Sancturary

photo: [c] Martin M Bartelt





The 2013 project supported reforestation in Madagascar in collaboration with Terabona


photos: [c] Archive Terabona

see the donation receipt pdf

photos of a planting day with Terabona in Madagascar

photos of our projects



An additional help could be granted to the Alas-Lou-Taka Foundation in Balikpapan/Borneo/Indonesia
in collaboration with Lebensraum-Regenwald e.V. www.lebensraum-regenwald.de

Orang Utang
photo: [c] Martin M Bartelt

see the donation receipt pdf (in German)





In 2012 we supported a tree planting project to stop the desertification in the North of Burkina Faso.

Burkina Faso     Burkina Faso

photos: [c] Archive Association des Jeunes pour la Nature


please see for more information our pdf (525KB)

pour plus d'information veuillez voir notre pdf (505KB)

The 'thank you' email from Burkina Faso in French /en français pdf





With the donations of our members in 2011,
the second project of Artists For The World was realized: reforestation in Ethiopia.
We collaborated with Green Ethiopia and 1500,- Swiss Franks could be transferred
to be used exclusivly in reforestation (= 1250 € / 1500 US$)
For more information have a look on www.greenethiopia.org (in German and English).

(see the official donation receipt of Green Ethiopia - in German, pdf)

[c] rchive Green Ethiopia     [c] Archive Green Ethiopia

photos: [c] Archive Green Ethiopia

Documentations about successfull afforestation projects by Green Ethiopia:

Around the Hidi crater lake - pdf (1MB)

The hills of Boreta-Gerado-Dengego - pdf (1MB)

Photos of what happened in 2012 - click here





The first project supported by Artists For The World in December 2010 was a rainforest project in
Costa Rica. In cooperation with Arbofilia from Costa Rica and ProRegenwald (Germany).
Arbofilia buys primary forests and replants trees in already destructed areas.
For more information have a look on  www.arbofilia.net 
(in Spanish, German and English).
Thanks to our members Artists For The World could transfer 1800,- Swiss Franks (= 1380,- € or = 1800 US$)
Thanks to our contribution 9500 trees could be planted.
(see the official donation receipt of Pro Regenwald - in German, pdf)

The link to the German Press Release of ProRegenwald:

young trees     reforestation

photos: [c] Archive Arbofilia

read a bit more about our success here


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