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da 2016 - FLAMENCO LA MAYA / EL CANDIL organizes a Christmas market in the
Ex Macello in Lugano/Switzerland. The benefits go to Artists For The World.


2015 - Under the direction of Artists For The World member M.Looser El Candil helps producing
high-quality soap (coffee and avocado) with natural ingredients only and sells the product
as Christmas presents. The benefit goes to Artists For The World.

For Artists For The World was also created a Flamenco-Soap:

and the Artists For The World Soap-Box:

current: The authors of this book give 1% of their royalties to Artists For The World
order it through our Artists For The World member Oberon Books
In June 2010 La Maya - El Candil prepared a showing with her flamenco school to promote
Artists For The World and collected 250,- CHF for Artists For The World!