world statistics updated in real time - in 32 languages
- with links to the Greenpeace websides of 46 different countries
- with links to the World Wildlife Fund websites of 48 countries
www.wwf.ch/soluzione - de, fr, it
Tipps für den Alltag
Jeder 'click' spendet 1,1 Cent pro Werbepartner - de
www.topten.ch - de, fr, it
Les meilleures produits en Suisse en 1 click!
The oldest and largest environmental organization in the United States, founded by John Muir. - en
Friends of the Earth International - en, fr, sp
mit guten Aktionen zum aktiv werden - de
The Prince's Rainforests Project (PRP) was set up in 2007 by HRH The Prince of Wales - en
The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands - en, fr, sp
Understand the environmental news and their issues - en, fr
Calculate, reduce and offset your CO2 emissions - en, fr
United Nations Environment Programm - en, fr
www.gapminder.org/world - en
unveiling the fascinating world of statistics
www.plant-for-the-planet-billiontreecampaign.org - en
www.desforetsetdeshommes.org - 30 languages
How can you take action? Many NGOs are involved in forest protection worldwide.
www.edouardstenger.com - en
A picture of the Earth by Edouard Stenger
www.sizeofwales.org.uk - en
Size of Wales aims to bring everyone in Wales together to help sustain an area of tropical forest the size of Wales as part of a national response to climate change.
www.growingairfoundation.com - en
Reforesting the world for a healthy environment beginning with the Atlantic Rain Forest
www.eia-international.org/ - en
Bringing change that protects the natural world from environmental crime and abuse.
http://www.rainforestinfo.org.au/ - en
Over 20 years of experience. Rainforests in Australia and abroad.
http://www.plantingtheplanet.com/ - en
Every year a wave of wilderness athletes comb over deforested land planting thousands of trees, leaving new forests behind them.
http://www.plant-for-the-planet.org/de/ - de, en, sp
A worldwide childrenĀ“s initiative.
http://www.treesforthefuture.org/ - en, sp
Helping others - help themselves by means of our singular goal: Planting Trees, Changing Lives.
http://fr.terabona.com/ - fr
La reforestation des Terres Brûlées de l’Ouest de Madagascar.
http://www.geo.de/GEO/natur/oekologie/regenwaldverein/walderhalt-und-entwicklung-in-der-intag-region-ecuador-61189.html - de
GEO schűtzt den Regenwald. e.V.
www.fansfornature.com/- de
reforestation and protection of orang-utans
www.verein-faszination-regenwald.de/ - de
forest protection and education
www.lebensraum-regenwald.de/- de
protection, awareness, responsibility
www.iplantatree.org/home - de, en, it
reforestation projects in Germany
www.woodlandtrust.org.uk - en
the UK's largest woodland conservation charity
www.aquaverde.org - en, de, fr, port
reforestation and the safeguard of water resources in the Amazon region
www.reforestemospatagonia.cl - sp, en
Reforest Patagonia is the largest reforestation initiative in Chile's history
It is a non-profit citizen movement
www.rhinoandforestfund.org - de, en, fr, sp
a NGO consisting of scientists and activists dedicated to the conservation of threatened
flora and fauna, especially the Sumatra rhino
www.green-giant.org - de
reforestation projects in Uganda
http://baeume.de - de
reforestation in Namibia
www.tananeos.org - en, sp
protection and reforestation of the Tropical Dry Forests in Colombia
www.nicefuture.com/index.php/niceforest/- fr
initiative to help the Amazon forest
www.plantabillion.org / The Nature Conservancy - en, indo, sp, chin, portu
plant 1 billion trees and restore forests around the globe
www.nationalforests.org - en
Engage Americans in promoting the health and public enjoyment of the National Forests
www.weforest.org - en
reforestation projects in South America, Africa and Asia
www.myclimate.org - en, fr, de
community-based reforestation initiative in Nicaragua
https://trees4trees.org - en, with a translation machine for more than 30 other languages
reforestation in Indonesia
http://onetreeplanted.org - en
support of global reforestation projects
www.edenprojects.org - en
restoring healthy forests in Haiti, Madagascar, Ethiopia and Nepal by employing local villagers to plant millions of trees
www.ecosia.org - en
Plant trees while you search the web.
As part of our vision to end deforestation, we want to plant one billion new trees by the year 2020.
newsletter: en, fr, de